AquaMicro Heat Interface Unit

Find out more about the AquaMicro Heat Interface Unit

Compact, energy-efficient, easily installed, yet powerful and economical in use. This is what makes our AquaMicro Heating Interface Unit a winning domestic hot water solution for one-family homes or single flats, whether they’re connected to a district heating system or a community heat network.

AquaMicro delivers everything energy companies, end-users, and installers value. It’s a fully insulated solution with automatic temperature control to keep cost, consumption and comfort at a constant optimum, in a light and compact, pre-made, wall-mounted installation package.

Thanks to Cetetherm’s patented design, AquaMicro gives a constant hot water temperature, irrespective of volume and pressure, so heat is always available and dependable, and the unit can be fitted and up and running quickly.

Tap water heating solution
Aqua Micro

Key benefits

Unique and fully automatic temperature control of DHW

Wall mounted and & compact with first-fix jig (option)

Small dimensions, low weight

Premade ready to install – ready to use including individual metering

Fully insultated - better insulation means less energy usage and better energy efficiency


One unit in each apartment or one-family house with individual flow- and energy meters.



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